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The challenges 

"It is a core problem in medicine that a targeted individualized therapy for the individual patient with a disease is unfortunately only rarely possible. Although we can explain various therapy options to the respective patient, we cannot always name the optimal therapy for him.


“Digital Twin technology has already become a mainstay of Industry 4.0 for performance monitoring, process modeling and efficiency optimization. It therefore seems obvious to also use digital twins as a method to improve diagnostics and therapy procedures in medicine.” 

Senior Physician

"The development of AI-based decision support in medicine requires high-quality and valuable patient data in order to effectively train AI algorithms and iterations."

software developer


The CLINIC 5.1 project is an initiative of the Urological University Clinic Heidelberg with the following cooperation partners:


Prof. Dr. Markus Hohenfellner
Urologische Universitätsklinik
Im Neuenheimer Feld 420
69120 Heidelberg


